Two cases of acute poisoning with acetamiprid in humans

Acetamiprid is a potent and a relatively new neonicotinoid insecticide. Animal studies have indicated that it has a low toxicity to mammals. Despite wide usage, human exposure resulting in toxicity is quite limited, and this is the first report in the English literature about acute acetamiprid poisoning in humans. Case Details. We herein describe two cases of acute poisoning with an insecticide formulation containing acetamiprid for suicidal purposes. Both cases experienced severe nausea and vomiting, muscle weakness, hypothermia, convulsions, and clinical manifestations including tachycardia, hypotension, electrocardiogram changes, hypoxia, and thirst in the case with the higher serum concentration of acetamiprid. The symptoms were partially similar to acute organophosphate intoxication. Supportive treatments for a variety of symptoms were sufficient for recovery, and both individuals were discharged without any complications 2 days after ingestion.

Tomonori Imamura, Youichi Yanagawa, Kahoko Nishikawa, Naoto Matsumoto, and Toshihisa Sakamoto (2010)Two cases of acute poisoning with acetamiprid in humans
Clinical Toxicology 48, 851-853 (doi:10.3109/15563650.2010.517207)