Some of Ireland’s most iconic bird species are in dramatic decline with one-in-eight now deemed to face an extinction threat

The warning came as a major ornithological conference in University College Cork (UCC) heard that the species decline has occurred despite the greatest conservation effort in Irish history. The threat is now so severe that, within the next 10 years, some of Ireland’s moved loved bird species may vanish from the island altogether. Some species have seen their numbers plummet by almost 80pc in 25 years. Species now under greatest threat include the Curlew (Numenius arquata), the Corncrake (Crex crex), Barn Owl (Tyto alba) and the Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella). Ireland has also witnessed a dramatic decline in the number of seabirds and migratory water fowl in Ireland.

UCC School of Earth Studies director, Dr John O’Halloran, said it was vital that careful ongoing monitoring of species be maintained alongside planned support measures.

Over 150 Irish and European scientists attended the event which is staged every five years.

The statistics on Irish wild bird populations make for grim reading.

In 1999, 18 bird species were on the ‘red’ or potentially endangered list.

Now, that number has increased to 25 - despite the greatest conservation effort in Irish history.

Ornithologists fear that, without continued and expanded efforts, species will quickly start following the Corn Bunting which has now totally vanished from Ireland.

The study focussed on a total of 199 Irish wild bird species with one-in-eight (25) deemed to face a population threat.

There have been conservation successes particularly in relation to some raptors or birds of prey.

These have been the focus of Ireland’s highest profile conservation programmes.

However, even raptors have been impacted by the decline.

BirdWatch Ireland and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) indicated that barn owls, hen harriers, buzzards, long-eared owls and kestrels have suffered significant population declines.

Source: Irish Independent, 25 November 2013…