Beleid en debat

De kwaliteit van bronnen voor drinkwater in Nederland staat onder druk

De doelen, zoals vastgelegd in de KaderRichtlijn water, zijn nog lang niet binnen bereik. Geldende normen voor onder andere nitraatgehaltes en residuen van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen worden plaatselijk overschreden. De vereniging van waterbedrijven, Vewin, vraagt om meer maatregelen om de kwaliteit van het ruwe water te verbeteren.

North American birds declined by 29% since 1970

A recent study concludes that the birds of Canada and the United States have taken a substantial hit in the last 49 years. Researchers from several institutions in the U.S. and Canada, including the American Bird Conservancy, the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, and Environment and Climate Change Canada, joined forces for the study.

Artenvielfalt in der Lüneburger Heide geht zurück

Der Klimawandel und der Einsatz von Pestiziden wirkt sich auf die Käfer in der Lüneburger Heide aus. Das hat eine Langzeitstudie der Leuphana Universität ergeben. Der Wissenschaftler Thorsten Aßmann hat zusammen mit seinem Team 25 Jahre lang Laufkäfer im Naturschutzgebiet beobachtet. Sein Fazit: Es gibt zwar noch viele Käfer in der Heide, aber weniger Arten. Das ist für Aßmann ein eindeutiges Warnsignal. Die Artenvielfalt sei um fast ein Drittel zurückgegangen, so der Ökologie-Professor, der Käferarten auch in Zukunft in Gefahr sieht.

Erste Studienergebnisse in Baden-Württemberg bestätigen Insektensterben

Baden-Württemberg ist stark vom Insektensterben betroffen. Das legen zumindest die ersten Daten zu den Bestandsuntersuchungen auf rund 100 Probeflächen im Rahmen des landesweiten Insekten-Monitorings nahe. Die Werte der Bestandsuntersuchungen auf den rund 100 Probeflächen seien alarmierend und bestätigten alle Befürchtungen, erklärte der Staatssekretär im Umweltministerium, Andre Baumann, am vergangenen Donnerstag in Stuttgart. Im Durchschnitt seien während der Untersuchungsmonate in den aufgestellten Insektenfallen weniger als 5 g Insektenbiomasse pro Tag gefangen worden.

A world without pesticides?

It's been well known for quite some time that the human population has been booming like never before. Thanks to advances in technology, medicine and science, people are living longer lives and creating bigger families to follow in their footsteps.

While it's always a benefit for people to have an improved length and quality of life, it also puts a strain on natural resources. Specifically, as more people are born, more food has to be produced. This need for food has created an opening for pesticides, which have been used to minimize pests and help crops flourish.

France to propose pesticide-free buffer zones in residential areas

The French government is preparing to fix a 5m or 10m pesticide-free buffer zone around housing areas, after several local mayors defied the government by banning weed killers like glyphosate in their towns. But environmentalists say such distances fall short of the mark. The government will begin discussing legislation to introduce pesticide-free buffer zones on Monday, an Agriculture Ministry spokesperson told AFP.

Pitfalls in pesticide regulation that fail to identify critical aspects of chemical toxicity

Expenditure for discovery and development of a new crop protection product is now approaching the $ 300 million mark, while at the same time underpinning critical information gaps in environmental safety assessment. Large information gaps also exist for the safety of a vast number of existing chemicals in commerce. The catastrophy in the insect world inflicted by time-reinforced toxicity of neonicotinoids is a case in point. We are on the brink of an ecological Armageddon as a result of pitfalls in pesticide regulation that fail to identify critical aspects of chemical toxicity.

De valkuilen bij de regulering van pesticiden

De uitgaven voor de ontdekking en ontwikkeling van een nieuw gewasbeschermingsmiddel naderen nu de grens van 300 miljoen dollar, terwijl tegelijkertijd kritische leemten in de informatie inzake milieu veiligheid duidelijk zijn geworden. Er zijn ook grote hiaten in de informatie voor de veiligheid van een groot aantal bestaande chemicaliën. De catastrofe in de insectenwereld, die wordt aangetast door de extreme toxiciteit van neonicotinoïden, is hiervan een goed voorbeeld.

US beekeepers lost 40% of honeybee colonies over past year

Beekeepers across the US lost four in 10 of their honeybee colonies over the past year, as the worst winter on record for tracked bee populations raised fresh concerns over the plight of the crucial pollinators. Over the past winter, 37% of honeybee colonies were lost to beekeepers, the worst winter decline recorded in the 13-year history of a nationwide survey aimed at charting bees’ fortunes. Overall, 40% of colonies died off over the entire year to April, which is above the 38% average since the survey began.